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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Melting Off...

There isn't much going here today.  We've handled what had to be done.  Now, we're staying indoors until more of this mess has melted off.  The roads are mostly dry, but the rooftops & trees are still ice laden.  I keep knocking icicles off the porch.  We can't have the mailman getting staked.  That'd be a lawsuit for sure.  
The sun is out & the weather seems to be settling.  Our cats are in the windows enjoying what little Winter sun they can get.  It's still cold, but it doesn't feel quite as wet, which is very good thing.

I really hope we don't have a terrible Winter.  I know we need the cold to kill off the bugs & let the plants rest.  But, we don't need another mega Winter like a few years back.  Here's hoping for a pleasant season.  Considering, Winter doesn't even start for a while yet.


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