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Saturday, December 14, 2013


The morning shopping is over & the weather is a damp, blah mess.  I'm glad we went to see the movie yesterday.  I feel like I'm on the verge of catching a cold & that wouldn't have been fun for being at a movie.  It also means something good came out of yesterday & it wasn't just the pharmacy screw up.

Not to mention, going out allowed us to get our new, favorite addiction, sea salt caramels.  Those things are wonderful.  Luckily, we have to go out of our way to get them or they could prove a problem.

I'm just trying to stay warm.  The ice did a little damage to the rain gutter.  We'll have to fix that once the rain stops & things dry up a bit.  

I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.  It's just a regular appointment but I'll talk to him about the screwed up script.  Hopefully, it won't be a total pain to fix this.


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