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Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Little Irritated...

Whether I be a mouse or a man, my plans usually get screwed with on a regular basis.  It gets very tiring.  It's difficult being a person who likes basic plans when life refuses to cooperate at all.

My meds arrived yesterday.  Wonders of wonders, my pharmacy screwed up my order, again.  They somehow forgot to tell me, 1 of my meds needed a refill order from my doctor & it didn't get shipped with the others.  I already had to reschedule the damn delivery once, because of a previous schedule issue.  

I call & get the order rescheduled for Monday.  At the time I didn't have anything scheduled for Monday.  Silly me, I just failed to foresee the need to reschedule our trip to the movies.   Tomorrow, when we had planned on seeing the film is now forecast to having freezing rain.  I'm not driving 30+ miles to & fro in freezing rain just to see a movie.  

My roomie suggested Monday & I was like, "Sure, that'll work..." Oh wait, no it won't.  Because I had to reschedule that damnable drug delivery for Monday, because my pharmacy screwed up again.   My roomie generally has stuff planned on the surrounding days.  

I know she doesn't mind having to alter here schedule if it needs to happen.  I just hate when it has something to do with an issue of mine.  I seriously hope who ever screwed up my order this time has a nasty accident, preferably a fabulously, nasty accident with just a touch of the humiliating.  

It looks like we'll be seeing Bilbo on Sunday instead of Friday.  Unless of course something else decides to screw with my schedule.  Virgos should definitely rule the world.   Then there would be order in the cosmos.


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