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Friday, June 1, 2012

Taking Stock...

The 1st real month of Summer is here.  Summer doen't start until later in the month, but it's here.  Today's great we're in the 70's F.  That won't last long, but still it's nice today.  We seem to winning the war on the fleas mostly.  We're much better off now than we've been in the past during June.  Our cleaning & exercise routines seem to be holding in place.  This is the start of the 5th month of my exercise, 2nd of near 30 minutes per day.  With some things change can take time.  Losing weight or adjusting to new routines are both things that do better with more time.

There's been a lot of the same old talk in the articles lately.  Still talking about the preventative meds & at home testing.   I still think both are flawed approaches, but that's just my opinion.   

Summer's here, not that we have any plans for it, other than trying to stay cool..  I'm hoping for a more mild summer this year.  In comparison to last Summer, that's a pretty easy request to meet.  Almost half the year is gone & not much has changed here.  


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