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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I've said before, I hate waiting.  I suck at it. But here I am again waiting.  I'm waiting for a letter from the Social Security to prove to Human Services how much I make.  A fact, I know damn well they already have on their computers.  They're just be asshats & making me jump through hopes because their bored and/or sadistic.

I'm trying to get better, but all the while I'm dealing with this annoyance.  My roomie called for the same letter a bit before I did & has already gotten hers two days ago.  This hasn't left me in the most pleasant of moods.  I hate waiting.

I hope that all those people out there who make me wind up waiting, spend their entire afterlife in an endless line at the DMV.  May they join Sisyphus on that hill.  I have no tolerance for those who make me wait for no good reason.  I have little patience for those with good reason.

So here I am doing an odd interpretation of a Depeche Mode song & I'm waiting for the mail to come, I know that it will save us all....

Hopefully you're not having to wait for someone today.

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