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Monday, March 21, 2011

Revenge of the Meds

I was prescribed Azithromycin for my sinusitis & it has helped with that.  However, it seems as though I am in the 01% of the population again & have had what they consider a rare reaction to it.  This stuff was like taking bad speed.  Since I took the medication, I have been anxious, pulse racing & had a rapid heart beat.  This was not listed on the meds, so I googled it & viola there it was, a whole slew of responses to the drug & anxiety or racing pulse.

At first, I thought I'd drank too much caffeine, so I backed off the tea & soda.  No change.  I got through the meds yesterday & I'm still anxious today.  I called my regular pharmacist & asked if this could be an interaction with my HIV meds.  I was informed no it was not an interaction, but less than 01% reported similar reactions to the med as I had described.  

It's funny, it seems like every time they give me a new drug & I have a reaction to it, I'm in that 01%.  However, when I research the matter online I find tons on people who are reacting in the same way I am.  That's one whopping 01%.  I find it difficult to believe.  That's why I always do my best to research my meds so I can know what to expect from them.  It's up to you to look up your meds & know what they could possibly do to you.  If you are having a reaction, google it & see if someone else is as well.  They might have found something to help with the problem.

The pharmacist told me that since I'd already finished the meds the effects should be lessening & if not, to call my Dr.  Hopefully it won't come to that, but we'll see.  On top of all that I received mail today telling me it's time to refile for all my assistance programs.  This is always a pain in the ass.  It's really not that bad.  It's just a matter of getting all the paper work & filling out all the forms & then waiting.  It's just stressful to think they could just cut everything & then I'd be screwed.  I realize I'm anxious & this is just standard but it's still stressful & annoying.  

Here's hoping the rest of you out there are having a less anxious day than me.

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