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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Still Waiting

I am still waiting here in Limbo for the folks at the Social Security office to send  me the papers I need to send to the people at Human Services.  OK, I already don't play well with others.  Now I have someone turning something perfectly simple liking mailing a letter that's been requested twice, into an herculean task.

This thing has put part of my life on hold & quite frankly is adding far more stress than it should.  All I needed was for one little bureaucrat to push a send button.  Apparently that was way too much to ask of those people.   Apparently the short bus is the main means of employee transport to the Social Security office.

The problem is that there is a limit to how much I can do to facilitate this matter.  If you push too hard these people get pissed & might well sabotage your request.  That'd be just great to add their intentional screwing up to their already crappy performance.  If these people ever really tried, they'd probably blow up the world.

Oh well, my rant is over for now.  Hopefully it'll get here tomorrow.  

Have a good day everyone.

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