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Monday, March 7, 2011

Not Much To Say

I don't have much to say today, so I'll change course.  Maybe I'll say some things about you.  That might prove difficult since I can't tell who you are without a lot of unnecessary cyber snooping.  But I can tell that have access to a computer, that you can surf the web & that you can most likely read.  Past that, it's all a guessing game.  I don't know if you're male or female, old or young or perhaps the person that will read this blog & decide it's genius & make me rich & famous.

Cyber space has a wonderful way for letting most of us remain faceless, nameless & carefree. Some of us choose to announce ourselves, but even that could be a pretense.  Nothing can be taken as a given on this medium of life.  Instead everything has to be accepted as only partially likely to be accurate or real.

If you're reading this or any blog, you are probably curious or bored & need something to distract you.  I hope this entry was a simple enough prop to occupy your time for a little while.  If not, on to the next one. Blogs, Youtube & Wikipedia are like Wonderland to me.  I start with one & then jump on another link to this one & that one.  Before I know it, I've jumped down so many rabbit holes & the like that I have no idea as to how I actually came upon whatever it is I am reading.

Since I can't tell you much about yourself or how you got here, I will simply make a wish for you this day.  I hope that at least once today you smile.  It doesn't have to be some toothy grin or even a sideways smirk, just a genuine smile.  Sometimes we let so much pile up on us that we forget to smile. We forget to laugh.  We simply forget to be us & enjoy our lives.  So I'll leave you with something that makes me laugh.

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