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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still Blah, But I Have Videos

The weather is still crapping out here today.  Not sure how long it's going to last, but I hope it goes away soon.  I feel very lethargic & disinterested in most things.  This isn't a good scene for me .  Not much to write about today.  This atmospheric crap plays hell with my coughing & aches.  I feel twice my age & like I never stopped smoking.  I feel that when I don't have anything good to say I should probably look & see if I have anything informative to say & if not I'll move on to the next thing.

So, this is me moving on to the next thing...

This is a song I heard a couple of seasons ago on CSI & have never managed to track down.  Love the song.

A video I like.

I'll end with a woman I love.  Joan is the bomb.  Here's to a great song.

Hope these songs will help you get who I am & put you in a happy place.

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