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Sunday, March 6, 2011


I went to see the movie pictured above yesterday.  Was it a wonderful?  No, but it was a solid B or four out of five.  The premise of the movie, which is based on the novel of the same name, isn't all that original but what movie is these days? give a 30 out of a 100 while the viewers gave it a low 70.  Yahoo movies  showed that the critics gave it a C- while the audience gave it an A-.  Netflix gave it the closest to the people with a 3.9 out of five.  

My point here isn't to hit all the movie review sites, but to point out that you need to check things out for yourself.  Netflix, generally gets my tastes fairly closely, sometimes they throw me a weird one, but most often they get it.  They should I've rated 1000's of moves there.  I've written an entry about this before, yet it seemed to bear repeating.  

I go to the movie almost 45 minutes before the film started.  I got my seat & I was thankful I'd come so early.  Within ten minutes the place was packed, I couldn't see a single empty seat.  That doesn't happen around here very often.  The crowd was ready & then the Screenvision started doing its bit. The little robot announced that a small segment of Justin Beiber was going to be on next after some trivia.  I readied myself to be annoyed, because I was surrounded by young girls, who reputedly all insanely love the Beiber.

I guess the girls in my area didn't get the memo.  They didn't react, other than to seemed annoyed something was delaying their movie.  Either the hype on Justin is just that hype or his appeal is starting to fade.  Yet, I had made a judgement based on the words of others I had heard on TV or read on the net.  Guess what, in at least this case those reports of Mr. Beibers popularity were greatly overstated.

My point is simple, too many of us allow others to make our minds up for us.  We let them sway our decisions with their words, their performances & commercials.  They alter our perception about political issues, movies, celebrities & a host of other things.  In a nutshell the Thomas Theorem states that perception is reality.  If that is the case, then if one can alter perception, then one can alter reality.  These spin doctors, critics & similiar ne'er-do-wells are powerful beasts.

However, it is a power given to them, by us & it is a power we can take back.  It's time to realize these people who do this spin-doctoring for whatever they are pushing are nothing more than salesmen.  They want you, to want something.  Plain & simple they are manipulating you.  It's hard to avoid their influence, but to quote Bear Grylls, "There is a way."  You have to stayed informed & refuse to act  on anyone else's information other than your own.  It takes time & effort not to be led like cattle to slaughterhouse by these people.

Open your eyes & pay attention.  You may be surprised what you can see, learn & experience if you don't let others make up your mind for you.

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