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Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Pats

It's St. Pat's but don't expect too much happy out of me.  However, it is a holiday for some & therefore I'll at least make a small posting.

Here's a shamrock for you.  I'm not that into St. Pat's but I will make my wishes.  For all you that read this I wish:

  1. You have your health
  2. Your burden is never too heavy
  3. Your friends are loyal
  4. You see it isn't too Annie-ish to hope for tomorrow
  5. You have as much green beer as you can handle 

I'm stopping with a short list in honor of leprechauns, which are short.

I'll end with this toast; 

Dance as if no one were watching
Sing as if no one were listening
& live every day as if it were you last

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