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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Past Worker

I had a visit from my last social worker today. She is no longer working for Human Services.  Good for her, maybe not so much for me.  I'd known this worker for a while, in fact I had worked with her in another office before going on disability.   Was she the best social worker in the world?  Probably not, but we all make mistakes & things always seemed to work out in the end. 

However, she had been at the job for over eleven years & the toll was mounting.  She had been considered a good employee for most of her time at the office, but recently they hired a new supervisor.   Apparently this woman has some serious issues with just about everyone.  Word had it, that the new supervisor is a WEE bit on the overly motivated side.   Ambitions, she has them.

After the arrival of the new supervisor my worker slid down the proverbial totem pole quickly.  Apparently this new supervisor had some plans that my worker just didn't fit into at all.  From sabotage to aggression the atmosphere in the office was toxic.  So my worker left.

That means I'm on to a new one.  I hate this.  You never know what you'll get.  I hate games like roulette & that is exactly what I'm playing now.  Hopefully, I'll get a worker that is at least competent, sane & not belligerent. That may not sound like that high of standards, but I've had ones that were mean, rude & outright drunk.

My old worker is on the job prowl now & I wish her well.  I hope that if any of you out there have to deal with similar people in your lives that they are competent & kind.

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