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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The News

The news isn't that great today.  Whether you're talking about the quake in New Zealand or all the strange politicians trying to wage war on women, gays & anything else that crosses their paths, the news is bleak.  It seems like the situation has been this way for a while.

It doesn't seem like there is a lot of fixing going on, just a lot of blaming.  It would seem that there was plenty of blame to hit everyone involved, but no one wants to take their fair share.  I could sit here & type about evil republicans or useless democrats, but that's been done.

I can't say I have any answers, but I can say the blame game & negativity won't solve anything.  This post will be a short one.  I'm tired & my writing would just turn to rambles if I continued.  I'll leave you with a few vids Ive liked lately.  Hope you like...

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