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Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've been a little frantic lately while I tried to get things from Social Security to turn into Human services.  I was even getting to be a bit apologetic about it, but my roomie pointed out that I shouldn't have been making apologies for anything.  For any of you not in my situation, you really can't understand the stress of the renewal process.

Every year I have to renew my applications for state disability, medicaid & food stamps (SNAP) & at any time any one of these applications could screw up & leave me in a really bad place.  My medical bills & medications are huge, the state disability just barely covers my dental insurance & the $ from SNAP means I eat.

This isn't like in college, where if my financial aid application screwed up, I could survive long enough to get it fixed.   There is no surviving a screw up of this magnitude for me.  I don't have the $1,500+ a month for medical & medication.  I don't have an extra  $45+ to cover the dental. I certainly don't have the extra $150 to cover food.  This $ is my entire means of sustenance & survival.  So, yes I get nervous when it could get screwed with for any reason.

As for all those people who think that these programs should be cut, or even eliminated, I sincerely hope that you never find yourself in a place to need them.  The process of getting declared disabled was hellish & it determined whether or not I could qualify for all the state programs.  I worked for years, but most of the work I did was through the universities I attended.  They never paid in on the social security & I didn't qualified for enough credits to get on Medicare.  I was working real jobs on these campuses, not just work study.  

If there is a way for the government to screw you over & make things harder, it will find the way.  Nothing with the government is ever easy or pleasant.  The workers act as if you are trying to steal their personal $.  They make food stamp applicants feel like worthless crap & heaven help you if you have to apply for Medicaid.   You can just forget medical assistance from the state unless you've been declared disabled, then they only do it grudgingly.  

I am now back to that time of year when social workers get to have their jollies at my expense.  I realize that a lot of people try to scam the system, but I shouldn't have to pay for their issues.  These social workers should be forced to rotate to new jobs every couple of years to avoid some of their burn out & crappy attitude.

Monday, I'll turn all the paper work in & wait & hope.  If all goes well, I'll see a social worker within a month & maybe, just maybe, she'll be in a good mood & all will go well.

Hope you guys have a good day.

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