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Friday, March 11, 2011

Almost Over

Well winter is almost gone & daylight saving time is on the horizon.  Am I ready for spring? Yes.  I hate the grass & all the bugs, but this winter has been a total pain.  It started weird before it even got going.  It never really felt like the holiday season this year.  Usually I'm the type to have presents bought before October, but this year I forgot to get anything until just before the holiday.  I did the typical things I do for the holidays, but it still didn't really feel like anything different.  It's like the holidays sent an imposter & took a day off themselves.

After that the real nasty cold set in for the duration.  Oklahoma got colder this year & had more snow & ice than it has had in a long time.  It was a difficult winter, things just kept going wrong.  It was some type of seasonal conspiracy.

I don't have a lot to say today, but I do want to say a farewell to the season.  Hopefully next year when it comes back it won't be such a bitch.  So, hello spring, here comes the sun, the bugs, the grass, in other words another type of hell, but this one is green.  I'm never happy.  Here's a little welcome for spring.

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