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Saturday, March 19, 2011

On The Mend

Day 4 out of 5 for my antibiotics & I am starting to feel somewhat normal again.  I'm still shaky & coughing some, but everything's a lot better than it was.  Hopefully I can avoid any relapses.  This was the sickest I've been in a bit, probably about three years.  Hope it takes at least that long, preferably longer, to return.  

It's not easy being sick,.  It isn't like the rest of the world just stops & lets you recuperate.  No, it insists on going on with everything as if your illness just really didn't matter at all.   Maybe it doesn't to any one else but you & those close to you, but it'd be nice if the world just slowed down for you once in a while.

My neighbors are embracing spring & I am cussing them for it.  The mowing is bringing more allergy hell to my doorstep.  Their kids are running a muck, whatever that is.  This morning I wake to find a garage has popped up over night in my neighbor's yard.  Can we say, "Yippie"?

This is all bad enough without being + on top of everything else.  Every condition is complicated by HIV & aggravated by the meds you take to deal with being +. Being + doesn't happen in a vacuum & it augments just about everything in your life, especially when you get sick.

Enough with the moaning.  I am well on my way to feeling better & being in a better mood.  That should mean my posts will be improving as well, we'll see about that.  So here's to you all having a happy & hopefully healthy day.

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