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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Not With It

Still not feeling all the well. I'm better today then I was, but still not great.  I'm not sure the last time I really felt great.  That isn't something I think I've felt since long before I was +.  The night was better but the morning has been a drag with a lot of coughing & throat clearing.

We have several cats & this morning they were in full out pissy fest.   I hate the noise of a growling cat, it's like a really obnoxious alarm clock.   There was growling, hissing & in a lot of cat style hell-raising.  I could've gladly sacrificed them all to some god of health or quiet this morning.

Needless to say, my mood is questionable. So I'll stroke my inner Virgo today & make a list. This a list of thing that I am tired of this morning.

  1. Squalling cats
  2. Post Nasal Drip
  3. Endless coughing
  4. Sore ribs that came from the endless coughing
  5. Local news people who like extras from a George Romero movie
  6. Endless reruns due to sports shows
  7. Sports shows
  8. Big businesses complaining how bad they have it
  9. Aflac for hiring Gilbert Gottfried & Alflac for firing Gottfried
  10. Politicians of any breed, flavor or variety
There are only ten & believe I could on, but I won't.  I feel a little better.  Virgos do love their lists.  Maybe you should make a list today.  It could be things you hate, things you love, things that make you wonder WTF, or whatever you want it to be about.

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