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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Neither Lamb Nor Lion

There's a lot of folklore about the month of March.  How it enters being the opposite of how it will end is just one.  March 1 is a day of celebrations.  Whether you call Beer Day, The First of the Year, Independence day or numerous other observations held on the day it is a time of revelry & remembrance.

March was a time of war & beginnings of new things.  It is Primavera.   I know technically Winter still holds the reins for a little while longer, but the daffodils our blooming, the clover is growing & the birds are feathering their nests.

It was a bit cold last night, but today I had the doors open & aired out the house for a while before the chill returned.  It was a clear day & after days on days of drear, the light was certainly appreciated.  I'm going on about things, but not much happened today other than pleasant weather.  For that, I am grateful.

Spring is here.  The lawn people have been called & the exterminators are soon to be contacted to nip the fleas in the bud before they can get a foothold.  With the warmth & flowers comes bugs of all types.  From the bugs & flowers comes birds.  From jays to finches, mockingbirds to robins & hummingbirds to crows they will be in the yard soon enough.  That will get the cats attention like you wouldn't believe. The cats will chase the birds, butterflies & frogs.  The yard is coming back to life.

Other than taking my meds, I really didn't think about being + today, that makes this a rare day.  I know they probably won't find a cure for HIV in my lifetime, but I'd really love it if we could get to a point when I could take my meds like once a week.  If that could happen, then maybe on most of those non-med days I could just let myself forget about being + for a while.  That would be nice.

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