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Saturday, March 12, 2011


For a few days now I have been dealing the problems brought my allergens in my area.  Now I can take my allergy pills & they help quite a bit.  I can even use allergy eye drops.  Still there is one thing that these medicines do little for & that is post nasal drip. 

Take all the meds you want & drink water to you overfloweth & it still won't get rid of PND.  You're stuck drinking hot tea & sucking on cough drops or hard candies trying to get this crap out of your throat.

You can cough & hack but nothing budges.  You feel like you're about to drown in these nasal secretions.  You can't swallow or breathe very well.  Some people use nettie pots, I'm not that brave & I hate nasal sprays.  They do horrible things to my nose & throat.

So what's left?  Not much, except to tough it out & to try control your allergies.  Good luck with that.  I'm not alone in this either.  My roomie has allergy issues & so do our cats.  

Neither cats nor people with allergies are pretty.  The cats are prone to eye drainage & successions of rapid fire sneezes & utter blahs notable even for a cat.

So, here is to all those hateful little spores & pollen particles that cause allergies, going straight to hell where they can spread there specific kind of misery.  I know the pollen is needed to make plants grow.   But you'd think the plants could be a little more considerate & make their pollen hypoallergenic.

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