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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just About

I took my last azithromycin today & I am starting to feel human again, not totally great, but better.  This getting sick stuff is a nasty event for me.   It's bad enough whenever it's just me feeling off, but when it's bad enough for me to actually go to the Dr., I hate it.

A trip to the Dr. for someone who is +, can be a nerve wracking event, even if it's just to go get lab reviews.  You can already know the results but that doesn't alleviate the nervous feeling that they could still come up with something bad to tell you.  

They could tell you that you labs were done wrong & need to be redrawn, that you misread your labs & that there is something wrong with you or they could tell you that they are no longing making your medication.  Or the least funny one for me so far is,  "Oh the reason you are having problems breathing is because you're allergic to retrovir & it's killing all your red-blood cells."  My Dr. at the time, told me this one with a straight face & then suggested that I might want to go to the emergency room but it was entirely up to me. 

Let me get this;  I can't breathe because the meds  you put me on are destroying my red blood cells.  Those red blood cells carry oxygen to the lungs.  I might, just might, want to go the ER.  That one is no longer my Dr.  I wound up in the hospital over the weekend receiving  three units of blood & getting breathing treatments.   All of this could've been avoided if the Dr. had done more blood work.

As you see, I dread seeing Dr.s.  They are always to unpredictable.  It's always the what-ifs when dealing with a Dr. visit.  But I  lucked out this time & it was just a sinus/upper respiratory thing.  But it could've been pneumonia or something else.  As much as I hate going to the Dr. it is the best way  I have of not letting anything progress too far.

I hope for all of you reading this, that your health is good & you keep things in check.  As much as it may undesirable, a doctor's visit can make life easier.

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