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Sunday, December 31, 2017

It's The Last...

It's December 31st.  2017 is down to mere hours, not even 12 left.  Soon, it'll be down to minutes & then seconds.  Then will be no more.

I'm trying to close out this year with less animosity than I've felt for most the last 365 days.  There have been some things I've liked.  Some I'm waiting to see how they pan out.   Even though most of the stuff I've enjoyed this year I was engaged in last year or before, there were some new things.   I liked the movies, The Martian, The Boy & The Beast, as well as Final Girls.  Most of the comics I liked wrapped up this year.  Most of the music I listened to was from earlier as well, but I did find Scissor Sister's SWERLK.   My roomie & I have been watching the Boulet Brother's Dragula.

As much as it's important to recognize the new, it's also pertinent to realize when you're over something.   We've hit that with a lot TV shows.  For most, it'll be just for the season, but may done with entirely.  It's OK to realize something you used to be into isn't working for you anymore.

It would've been easier to end this year gracefully, if it this morning hadn't coated the car in a layer of ice.   It was frigid & we had to wait for the car to thaw before going to the store.   If all goes well, we'll start the year off by going to see a friend tomorrow.

In 2018 I hope you will:

Take care of yourself
Be kind to people
Take care of the strays, even those that aren't 4-legged
Try to smile
Find some joy


Good Bye 2017.

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