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Sunday, December 10, 2017

On The Rise...

I read articles about how HIV rates are rising or threatening to do so soon.  It's come down to 1 thing, rhetoric.  Some group's BS philosophy supported by their politics, class or religion is leading to the spread of HIV.  Groups promote ignorance, stigma, misinformation & hate towards the very idea of HIV & villainize people who are HIV+.  These groups:
  • Cut funding
  • Spread hate
  • Misinform & misdirect
  • Make + people come off as sinners or impure
All of this is done so these groups can maintain control.  They control the rhetoric.  They control the funds.  These are not "good" people.   They are manipulative, hateful, violent & deceitful.  

If HIV does surge again.  It will be due to people like these spreading their hate & lies.  All the while wrapping themselves in their religion/politics like they're some kind of saint.  Don't fall for it.


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