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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Winter Skin...

Dry & itchy skin is here.  The problem is, it's been here all Summer due to the lack of rain.  Now, however, the socks, house shoes, & heavier clothing are making things worse.   My skin is getting dried out due to warmer baths & cotton socks.   Layers of clothes lead to more sweating, chafing & irritation.   Too much cold leads to chilblains.  Too warm leads to other issues.  

The morning coughs are back.  As soon as I leave my nice warm bed, the cold hits me.  I get around as quick as I can & get the stoves lit.  Then, as it warms back up, I begin to cough.  I can't stay in bed forever, so facing the cold seems inevitable.  Thus, so is the coughing.

Winter sucks.  The grass is still green, Everything else is yucky brown. The cat still has a few fleas.  There are still other bugs.  Yet, I'm freezing.


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