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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Handled, I Think...

I think my car insurance issue is resolved.  It took nearly 2 weeks, but at least it's over.  I finished yesterday afternoon & made some calls this morning to confirm.  I will be with  a new company as of Feb 1, 2018.   I was beginning to think this was something I was going to drag into the new year with me.  I'm glad it didn't turn out that way.

There is more talk of 2-med approaches to HIV treatment.  Until now this has been treated as unwise, but some research is gaining traction.  It's still in the trial stages, so I'll wait to post more definitively about the matter.   Right now, 1 such trial is using 2 of the 3 medications that make up my Triumeq.   This could prove beneficial in reducing cost, possible reactions & drug interactions. 

Only 3 days left in the year.  Hope your years ends well.  May we leave some of the awfulness behind & not gain any more.


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