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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Busy Maybe...

I'm writing this early.  Depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow, I may have things to do.  If so I could run shy on time to write a post.  I know I need to go shopping in the morning, but there might be more.  Like I said, it depends on how I feel then.

Today wasn't a pleasant thing.  The Republican asshats in the FCC repealed Net Neutrality.  Hopefully, someone can figure out a way to remedy that matter.  If not, things could get rough.   

I've been really nervy lately.  My HIV specialist's office called this afternoon wanting me to have more blood work drawn.  Mind you, this wasn't for me, it was for them.   They wanted me to get stuck, have blood drawn, get bruised & have to pay for it,  all for their grant.   I don't think so.  If they want me to do these test, they can at least foot the bill.

I might feel up to writing more tomorrow.  Then again probably not.  Take care.


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