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Friday, December 22, 2017

Holiday Weekend & New Med...

It's the holiday weekend.  It's raining & chilled down almost 30 degrees since yesterday.  Yippie, another abrupt weather change.  My body loves those so much. 

My blood pressure was a higher than desired yesterday, so I took the medication my doctor prescribed.  By evening, it had dropped considerably.  Almost 20 points.  My blood pressure usually goes up throughout the day.   

This morning I woke & my blood pressure was significantly lower than the same time yesterday.  I opted not to take today's dose.  If the med drops my numbers like it did yesterday, then I'd be dealing with low blood pressure.  My roomie will be out this afternoon & I'd be by myself.   I don't want have my blood pressure bottoming out & be alone.  Doesn't sound like a good idea.  I'll check my numbers again this evening & tomorrow morning.  I'll decide what to do then.

Stay safe & warm.  Have a great weekend.


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