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Saturday, December 16, 2017

I Get It...

Since the Republicans have taken over things, they've made it clear unless you're be rich, white & exactly like them, you aren't wanted.   They've attacked the poor, gays, disabled, elderly & others.   With their tax plan  &  repeal of net neutrality, they've told everyone to F'off & die.  

I read about states losing funding for insurance for children, elderly & the disabled.  Missouri has announced it will stop funding those with HIV.  What these Republicans are saying is that they hate these people & want them to die.  

Its depressing & unnerving.  Most of us who face stigma, have done so our entire lives.  You might think  we'd be used it, but you'd be wrong.  It doesn't surprise us anymore, but it can get unbearable.  To wake up every morning & know there's a large part of the population that hates you & there's nothing you can do about it, that's beyond tiresome & overwhelming.  

Not once, in any significant way, have I ever truly been on the winning side of things.  Somehow, I've always managed to be on the wrong side of every door.  You tell yourself it doesn't matter, but after a while all that hate & anger being aimed in your general direction begins to grind you down.  It's not a single thing, it's the landslide of crap these people have launched at you.

I'd love to tell you there's a way to handle this, but I haven't found any.   I'd love to tell you things will get better, but I doubt that.  I'd love to tell  you this will pass, but I don't want to lie to you.  Even if it is temporary & things do get better, you still have to live with knowing what they were willing to do to you.  Just because you weren't their kind of people.

At this point, I'm tired & out of places to retreat.  I've tapped what I can, there's nothing much left.   I don't think I've ever wanted people hurt more than I do at this moment.  To all those people who got the Republicans to this point of power, I wish upon you the worst of things & every pox.  May Lovecraft be right about the universe.


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