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Monday, December 4, 2017

Quiet Morning...

I'm solo this morning.  My roomie had a doctor's appointment this morning & will be out until this afternoon.    I'm not sure you'd call this a pleasant outing with her friend.

This will be the last nice day for a while,  It'll be our last day in the 70's for the season.   The 10-day forecast has us mostly in the 50's during the day & hovering at or just below freezing at night.  Might finally have to turn on the heaters.  This was a record year for us.  The longest we'd gone before was Thanksgiving day.  We've had them on in October.

I'm doing as well as I do.  I'd be happier if people would stop burning leaves.  It's killing my sinuses.  Leaves aren't like wood.  They get covered in insects, fungi, mold & other nastiness.  They smoke like crazy & spread whatever was on them into the air.  Thanks, I needed your moldy, mildew ridden, honeydew flying into my face.  

My plans today are to do some laundry & some cooking.  Other than that, not much.  Take care.


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