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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Just 4 More Days...

There are only a few more days left in the year.  People are recovering from the holiday & readying themselves for the New Year.   I'm glad they're over.  There's only so long I can handle the holiday, nostalgia train.  It was fun enough, now lets get on with things.

I'm still trying to handle my car insurance issue.  I'm waiting for a call back, before I move on to the next option.   I really hate the fact they dropped this on me over the holidays.  

It got cold last night & is supposed to be down in the teens again tonight.  I HATE  cold weather.  My hands, toes, nose, breathing, skin, eyes & every other part of me hates cold weather.  To make it worse, I still see green grass in my yard.  Die, grass, die & take the bugs with you!

That's as post-holiday cheery as I can get at the moment.


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