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Friday, December 29, 2017

PACHA Gone...

Back in June, 6 members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) resigned due to Trump's inaction & attitudes.  According to this article,  the remaining council members were fired yesterday via a FedEx letter.  There was no warning or reason, just a notice of termination.  

So far, Trump has shown no interest in matters concerning HIV & has no course of action.   Pence, however, hates gays & anything he thinks is a gay issue, such as HIV.  Trump might not replace the council at all.  Or worse, he'll handle it like he does everything else.  He could appoint a bunch uneducated, bigots who will do their best to destroy everything in place to help fight HIV & those living with the virus.

2017 just had to get another dig in before it was over.  2017 needs to die & so does most every Republican in Washington. This party is bound & determined to destroy everything.

Read the article.


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