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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Not Many More Tuesdays...

Nothing much is going on here today.  It got warm yesterday, into the mid 70's.  Then promptly dropped 40 degrees down to the mid 30's.    That was not a pleasant thing to experience. 

I didn't see much in regards to articles today.  There's still a lot of political ick going on, none of any good.  I doubt we'll see anything good until that cheeto is gone.

Today's temps are more seasonal for us.  Everything's fairly quiet today.  Which is rare for my neighborhood.  These people love their noise.  

There are only 8 days left until Solstice, 12 until Christmas, 19 in 2017.  It's nearly closing time.  Hope when everything reopens, it's better.  Finger's crossed, but I'm not holding my breath.


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