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Sunday, December 3, 2017

My Predictions...

My prediction for the near future is there will be a rise in the global transmission of HIV.  Why?
  • Russia hates Gays & anything they associate with being Gay, like HIV
  • Russia allows websites promoting the idea that HIV is a Western myth
  • Hong Kong & other places are cutting funding to HIV testing/treatment 
  • Large amounts of charitable funds are tied to no-abortion clauses
  • Said same funds are usually associated with Planned Parenthood like orgs
  • Conservative Americans are anti-Gay & promote HIV stigma
  • Many conservative Americans are anti anything not WASP
  • Trump's administration gives HIV lip service at best
These are just some of the reasons why I think it's likely HIV will surge in the coming years.  This is a direct attack on what the conservative, religious types see as immoral or against their beliefs.  This is a war of attrition.   

I hope I'm wrong.


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