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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Winding Down...

Only 2 days left before the holiday.  Only 8 left in the year.   2017 is going away.  I've tried to do better this year with the holiday stuff.  The Christmas didn't bother me this, but everything else made up for it.  2017 has been exhausting.  I'm cold, tired & stressed.  My best source of diversion this morning, is some whacked out cardinal intent on killing itself on my window.  I have no idea why it's doing it, but it looks really pissed off at something.

I didn't take the blood pressure med yesterday & my numbers were back up this morning.  So, I took another dose.  This may be how I have to handle this medication.  

Not much is going on today.  Other than being sick of grey skies.  At least the chilly rain stopped for a bit.  I know we need the precipitation, but that drizzle was miserable.

More tomorrow.


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