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Monday, December 18, 2017

Early Evening Meltdown...

So much for the year, "going softly into that good night."   No, it want's to go out like a mind razing, super b#tch.  I was already worn out yesterday.   My energy was spent & nerves frazzled.   I thought, it's dark, soon I'll be in bed & this day will over.  The last of 3 Sundays of 2017 would be in my rear view mirror.  I could do this. 


On the 351st day & the tail-end of the 50th week of the year, crap still falls on me in December.  Read my previous posts throughout the years about this month.  The 12th month of the years sucks.  It's always horrible for me.

Besides all the things I've already posted about this month.   Sometime in the late afternoon, my car insurance company snuck me an email.  I found this missive in the early evening.  It arrived on a Sunday when no one would answer my calls or online chat requests,  What did they say?  My insurance informed me they would not be renewing my coverage after this term expired.

I lost it.  I hate December.  I hate companies that don't have 24 hour assistance for their services.  At that moment, I hated absolutely everything.  I had to wait until this morning to find out why 21st Century was dropping me & passing me off onto a company I'd never heard of before.  Who the hell is Bristol West even?

Turns out, Farmers Insurance bought my agency & is closing the entire company down.  The new company, Bristol West, is another Farmers company.  I'm not sure how much I want to do with Farmers at this moment, after this mid December nerve bomb.

So, now as the year closes out, I can't relax & enjoy it.  I have to figure out a new insurance company.  I am not a happy camper.  December Sucks.  

My patience, energy, nerves, tolerance, etc.. is all on empty & I don't see a refill coming soon.


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