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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Weather Aches & Drear...

For a few days it's been slightly above seasonal temps here.  There's also been a lingering drizzle.  It may actually rain harder today.  It might be a cold holiday, but it won't be a White Christmas.  

Warmer temps & higher humidity levels have left me achy & congested.  Add all the current drama to that & I'm feeling pretty off.  It feels more like a dismal Spring morning than beginning of Winter.

It's been overcast & cold all day.   There's only so long I can tolerate the heater, before it starts killing my eyes & making my sinuses worse than they already are.  I'm sore, stiff, congested & irritated.  

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.  It shouldn't be anything big.  Just a regular meeting to see how I'm doing.

That's all for now.


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