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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not Good...

I woke up feeling like crap this morning.  I was hot,  but it wasn't a fever.  Never mind, that just a few days ago I was very cold, yesterday was 20 degrees F higher than average.  I got out of bed hot & dehydrated, feeling like I'd been a serious binge spree.  

I just looked at the weather & we're at a record setting mid 80's.  Just wonderful for me.  The doors are open, the windows cracked & fans are going.  We're halfway through November, it should be 20 degrees cooler & the nights should be near freezing.

I know, I'm bitching about the weather again.  But on days like this, it makes me feel like a wreck.  Hopefully, more seasonal conditions will return soon.   This is killing my head.


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