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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Meds Drama...

Well, my drugs did arrive yesterday, but they were really late.  I called the pharmacy & waited 20+ minutes on hold to talk to someone.  They assured me the delivery was in route.  The tardiness factor was all on UPS.   I mentioned yesterday how much I dislike them delivering my meds.  Even more so now.   

When they finally arrived, I opened the package to make sure everything arrived.   When I noticed a bunch of broken, white plastic.  1 of the lids had a hole punched through it.  The plastic in the area shattered & went everywhere.  When I was cleaning the mes up, I noticed other little, white bits in the mess.  Whatever had burst through the lid had also pierced a didanosine capsule & let the medication scatter with along with the plastic shards.  

They were late, a bottle was busted & a capsule was wasted.  I'll tell the pharmacy about it next time.  I'm not spending another half hour trying to report a single busted capsule.  I hate med arrival day.


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