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Monday, July 1, 2013


Today's the 1st of July.  So long June.  It was nice of you to stay cool for most the month.  Here we head towards 1 of my less favored holidays, July 4th.   Yippie, there'll be idiots with fireworks.  Maybe Darwinism will win out this year & they'll off themselves with roman candles.  

I'm hoping this month doesn't get too hot.  I'd like for no further car issues or breakages.  I'd really like it if the new neighbors start trying to deal with their howling dogs.   Why do people who don't really want dogs, get dogs?

So far, the 1st day of July has been pretty good, even with a a trip to Walmart this morning.   Not much else planned for today.    We're still waiting for checks to get in so we can do bills  later this week.  After that, at least the house bills will be caught up again.   The roomie has some errands to run, so it's just me & the cats for a bit.  I doubt they'll even notice, right now they're all asleep. 

Here's hoping for a good July for everyone.


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