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Saturday, July 27, 2013

The 27th...

I've become very aware of the 27th day of the month now.  I have been for several months.  December 27th of 2012 was the last time our cat Alice was in the house.  That she took her last trip to the vet's.   I think about that on the 27th now.  I didn't have her very long, but she was definitely my cat.

The 1st of September is coming up, it's my birthday.  I'm not that into my birthday.  It has little to do with my age & more to do with past stuff.   For the last several years however, it's been about the death of another cat.  His name was Julian.  He had be put down on my birthday.

Somehow his idiotic brother is still here with us.  He's the old shit-monster I complain about sometimes.  There are 4 cats in the house now.  Tink came in not too long ago & wasn't all that impressed by the move indoors.  There is another male outside, we call him Clementine.  It may not be the best name, but it's better than me calling him Short Orange like I was.  The indoor boy cat will turn 16 this year.  The two girl cats are middle aged & Tink is a few years younger than them.  Clementine is pretty young.

7 months ago today Alice passed away.  The 1st year we lived in the place before here Julian left the building.  It's just a matter of time before old man cat passes.  At least that's what I keep thinking.  That old bastard may just be some type of shit-zombie.  Off with his head.


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