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Friday, July 19, 2013

Shopping In Swamp Air...

Apparently Walmart no longer feels the need to adequately cool their stores.  Maybe the department store giant wants to save some pennies on the AC bill.  Whatever the reason, shopping there today was like wading through a swamp of thick soup.    

That can't be good for the produce & other perishables.  It certainly wasn't good for me.  I was zapped by the time I got our of the store.  Besides all the normal Walmart BS, it was sweltering in there.  Makes you wonder about the condition of their food stuffs.

Instead of focusing on my shopping.  All I could do was think about getting the hell out of there.  I was nasty, they were still stocking & there were children.    None of which I wanted to deal with this morning.

Our outings are over.  It's supposed to get hot today.  We opted not to go to Fort Smith.   I have no desire to go over there in this heat.  It'd be my luck something would happen to the van & we'd be stuck on the side of the road for an hour or more waiting on AAA.

So in we stay for the rest of today.  Fort Smith can wait a bit.


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