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Monday, July 29, 2013

The Yard...

Our yard is getting out of hand.  We called the guy who mows & told him whenever he thinks it dry enough to come mow the lawn.  He didn't make it yesterday & might not today.  That could be a problem.  There's a large chance of more rain today. 

This has been a soaked July in Oklahoma.  Some of the grass could probably hide small game at this point.  Our yard is rapidly becoming the grasslands.  I don't need that.  That just invites vermin into the grass & most of those little beasties come with other pests like fleas.

Even though cut grass screws with my sinuses, we seriously need this yard mowed.  Hopefully, it'll get done today.  The grass is going to seed  & that's not easy on my allergies.  I hate grass.


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