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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cool Again...

We never got the rain that was supposed to come our way, but it did cool down a lot.   We barely scraped the 90's F yesterday.  Looks like that's the way it's going to go today as well.   I'm loving the weather & it seems to be helping me get past whatever was making me ill & my sinuses go nuts.  I've still got some sinus issues, but they're much less than they were.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's purely environmental & it just affected me earlier than my roomie.  If not then I must have caught some bug & now she has it.  I'm thinking it's environmental though.  I felt like crap, but not like the flu or a cold.

I still can't believe it's late July at 1 PM & we're barely 90.  That's weird, nice, but weird. Until tomorrow.


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