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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Drying Out..

The lawn might get mowed today if it's dry enough.  The water's been standing for days after the rains.   It's been nice sleeping in cooler night air, but it's kept everything from drying out again.  It's left the yard a mucky mess.

Lately the high dew points at night have been causing me problems.  I haven't had a flare up of gout, but I've had serious warnings it could happen.  I can control what I eat, but not the weather.  This has been the case since mid spring.  It's made it very difficult to do any strenuous exercise involving my feet, like steps.  I can walk, but even too much of that & I start feeling warning twinges.  So, I've stayed mostly to stretches & the peddler. 

Maybe with Summer ramping back up I can get back more into the groove of things   I at least want to make sure I don't gain any weight back.  That'd suck.


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