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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pulling It Together...

I've been stressed & not feeling well lately.  There's nothing big going on, just a bunch of little things constantly poking at me.  My sleep is off & that knocks everything out of whack.  The temperatures are rising & my older cat is a bitch that won't pass gently into that long good night.  This is all causing my appetite to all but vanish.  If not for having to take my meds with food that might be a good thing.  I can stand to lose so more weight.

Again, nothing monumental is wrong in my life.  There's just a ton of minutia taking it's toll on me. My typing has been awful.  I'm spending more time fixing typos than typing.  My spoons are all used up & I've got little left to use for myself.  I really hope something gives soon & that it's not me.  Lately, I've just been tired.  It'd be nice not to wake up exhausted, depleted & stressed.  


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