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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Swamp Time...

We hit 95 F yesterday.  I was alright throughout most the day.  Then at about 5:30 or so, it started to cool off a bit.  That's when the hell came creeping in on us.  By 7 PM it was down to 92 sounds nice.  But the humidity had cranked & it felt like hell.

The humidity sapped my strength & made me nauseous.  My meds are a killer when the heat & humidity soar.  Finally at 8, I gave in & knew the AC would have to come on for a while.  Even though I'd made it through the heat of the day relatively well, I couldn't hack the swamp air I was sitting in.  

The AC ran for 2 hours & the outside temp dropped down to 80.  For those of you who don't use window unit AC's, they produce a lot of condensation.  We have a bucket under the AC so the water doesn't just stand on the porch.  Within 2 hours the 1 1/2 gallon container was overflowing due to the humidity.

I can take a lot of heat,  but that combined with humidity just kills me.  I still feel off this morning.  It's going to hot & humid again today.  The AC will be coming on much sooner today.


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