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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tick Tock...

I know for an HIV blog, I write a lot about the minutia & trivia in my life.  However, this blog is about my life as a person in his 40's living in small town Oklahoma, who happens to also be +.  Things that have impact on my life may seem inconsequential to other people, even those living with HIV.  For me, though, they're a big part of my life.

My life & health is drastically affected by the weather, hot or cold.  So, I do write about it a lot.  Weather can screw with me in ways little else can these days.  It doesn't matter if I'm talking about actual temperatures or humidity levels.  It all changes how I feel & what I can accomplish that day.

I write a lot about the little things in my life, like going shopping, taking trips to Fort Smith or going to see a movie.  These things are markers in my life now.  That sucks, but it's true.  I don't have much left.  So, I go shopping Mondays & Fridays.  Sometimes more often if I need things.  I go to Fort Smith as needed.  Sometimes that need is simply to get the hell out of the house.  I write about trash day on Wednesdays.  

Summertime can be hard on me due to the weather & the lack of TV programs.  I use those programs & my roomie's outings to measure time.  To mark all the stupid minutes until I have something else to do.  My drugs are an unwelcome reminder of time passage, but they do chart the day.  My stressful encounters with my pharmacy mark out the month.  Going to see my doctors & dentist map the year.

Right now, that's my life.  It's governed by mundane errands & medical junk.  Occasionally something fun gets into the mix, but not as often as I'd like.  But, probably more often than I can actually afford.  That's life on disability, at least for me.  Maybe someday it'll change, hopefully for the better.  But, it might not.  So, I do my my best to get by.


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