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Monday, July 15, 2013

Med Refill Round 2...

Not in a great mood today.  I called my pharmacy to check & see if my refill orders had been placed by my doctor.  The Didanosine had been, but my Lamivudine had not.  OK, I'm already tiffed at that news.  But wait, it gets better.  They ask me if I'd like the Lamivudine/Zidovudine combo drug that was just refilled instead.

OK, recap:

  • This combo in non-generic form is known as Combivir
  • Combivir contains the non-generic version of Zidovudine known as Retrovir or AZT
  • I am allergic to AZT
  • AZT put me in the hospital
  • We have just been through this fiasco less than a year ago

No, I do not want the combo drug.  No I do not want the generic version of the medication that put me in the hospital.  No, I will not accept that order.

My doctor's nurse ordered this drug for me less than a year ago.  We went through all this then.  Apparently some people need lessons drilled through their thick skulls.  Her mistake could have cost my insurance over $1,000 & possibly killed me.  Also, this isn't the 1st time this woman has done this.  She needs to be flogged, but I'd settle for fired or at least kept away from my med orders.

Hopefully this will all be straightened out & my order will arrive as intended next Tuesday.


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