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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Should Do's...

According to this article, the World Health Organization (WHO), wants people around the world who are infected with HIV to receive earlier medical treatment.  The logic is sound.  The sooner they're given meds, the sooner they can start recovering, the less damage done to their bodies & the less chance of further spreading the virus.

Wait a minute.  There's just 1 problem.   The same problem I've been talking about since all this talk of an AIDS-Free generation began.  Who's going to pay for all of this?  Where's the $ coming from?   It isn't fair to expect the US or nations of similar finances to foot this bill.  Especially, when getting treatment in the US still isn't easy & sometimes is down right impossible.

They keep talking about treating HIV on a global level if money wasn't an issue.  That's stupid!  Of course it's an issue, money is always an issue.  Like Cyndi say, "Money changes everything."  How about we stop living in the land of should-be's & wouldn't-it-be-nice's & start looking at what we really have to work with,.  It may not be enough, but it's what we have.


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