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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wind & Rain...

It's huffing & puffing again today.  The net is being sluggish & the electricity jittery.  We need the rain, but not the wind.  It's strange to think this is June & we haven't had a need to turn on the AC.  

We've had our 1st showings of fleas.  We've found a few on the cats.  Let the vacuuming & brushing begin.  We've got flea control products for them, but we're holding out on using those for as long as possible.  They're not easy on the cats & it could be really bad on our old cat.

For now, we brush & vacuum.   We'll keep an eye out on the fleas.  If it gets too bad we'll dose them up & hope for the best.   Fingers crossed they don't get bad this year.


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