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Sunday, June 9, 2013


We become desensitized to things in our lives.  We're like toads in slowly heated water.  We often fail to notice things that slowly creep up on us.  But, people can also become overwhelmed & blinded by too much blatant or extreme exposure to things.  

In the 90's, HIV/AIDS advertisements were everywhere, literally.  At 1st they had a lot of impact, but slowly they became clutter in our landscape & soon we didn't notice them at all.  Slowly those ads became fewer & fewer.  

When we finally noticed they were mostly gone, many assumed we were winning the war against HIV.  Contrary to that thought, those very populations that started a lot of the HIV safety ball rolling, are yet again where you can find the highest incidence of newer & higher HIV transmission rates.

We've slacked off.  Yes, there's info galore on the web, but not in these people's everyday lives.  The posters are gone from the bars, the bowls of condoms are gone from the bathrooms, the gay papers aren't littered with info anymore.  So, the young people have figured it was safe to go out in the water again unprotected.  Sorry but HIV is still there.

It's time to push the issue again.  It's time to plaster the walls with posters.  It's time to make sure these kids really understand the risks they're taking.  


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